Our Mission and Core Values in Cocoa Beach FL

Walk-In Chiropractic is kingdom-focused in loving others through affordable and convenient chiropractic care in Cocoa Beach FL.
Walk-In Chiropractic's Core Values in Cocoa Beach FL
Are rules to live by,
Are the foundation of why I do what I do,
Are constant reminders of what is important to me in serving you,
Underlie how we interact with each other,
Define which strategies I employ to fulfill my mission,
Are the basic elements and practices I use every day in everything I do,
Articulate what I stand for,
Guide my business processes and help explain why I do business the way I do,
Clarify who I am,
Guide how I teach and inform patients, and
Require no external justification.
Guides me in loving our Creator in word and deed through the greatest gift to earth since Immanuel:
Is the beginning of faith,
Keeps me on track to serve you,
Guides me in doing what I say and saying what I do,
Is doing the right thing when no one is looking, and
Praying brings heaven to earth and changes lives.
Loving Others
Guides me in loving others in word and deed through the greatest gift to earth since Immanuel:
Keeps me on track to serve you,
Guides me in doing what I say and saying what I do,
Is doing the right thing when no one is looking,
Prayer brings heaven to earth and changes things, and
Serving the needs of others no matter their status or position in society.
Affordable & Convenient
Means providing an affordable fee for the regular care you and your family need and want,
Means caring for what has been entrusted to me, and
Means respecting your time and budgetary concerns.
Is the greatest gift to mankind since Immanuel of Nazareth,
Is the truth of things natural for the healing and health of the human body,
Allows the doctor within to work at maximum ability,
Enables your body to work the way it was designed and created,
Guides me in living what I teach about the message of Chiropractic, and
Means teaching the truth of Chiropractic by standing and saying the hard things in the Spirit of power, love, and sound mind, and
Involves honesty in sharing the truth in Immanuel and Chiropractic.
Bret Glas, D.C.
If you have questions about how our team at Walk-In Chiropractic can help you, please schedule a consultation today.
10:00am - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 2:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
Walk-In Chiropractic
2001 N Atlantic Ave
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931